Remember your roots

Ritual grief care & Earth honoring energy work that calls us home to our roots

we are


Earth teaches us that we are cyclical and that there is a natural process of expansion and contraction, of creation and letting go, of life and death.

Grief invites us to Go Deeper

We can pause and give honor to the people, places, and parts of our lives, selves, and communities that shift and fall away through our presence and the ritual of remembering.



I’m Lara and I am here to stand with you at the threshold, offer you a loving hand to hold and ear to listen as you move through the uncertain and messy and sometimes beautiful landscape of grief. 

Deeply Rooted is

Ritual grief care rooted in an ethic of earth honoring and cyclical living. The companionship of Deeply Rooted provides the space and the structure- the roots- to hold you while you explore the edges and contours of both the grief and love that accompany being a human in this world.

Mourning is the heart's way of honoring what it misses.

ritual support

Ritual and mourning give grief a voice and invite it to move through us. This is a sacred offering that connects us to who and what has shaped us.

becoming deeply rooted

The role of ritual grief care is not to make your grief smaller or make it go away, anyone who has felt grief knows there is no quick fix or ever going back to how things were. Rather, it offers one way to support you in expanding your capacity to sit with and hold your grief as you continue to live as a changed and changing being and move forward in a new way while holding close what was. 

let’s remember together

With Lara's compassionate presence, I found
solace and understanding in the depths of my grief. Her nurturing presence and compassionate listening enabled me to bring forth the wisdom and strength that had always been within me.

Lara is a true guardian of the heart, a companion on the journey through life's deepest sorrows, and a gentle guide into the realm of healing and self-discovery.”

“I have gone to places of deep pain with Lara. When I was feeling uprooted, Lara’s holding made it possible for me to find the ground again. Lara stayed with me in the moments of the unknown. Her presence and care kept me company. I knew that I wasn’t alone.


You Belong here